Our Aim is Simple. Build Resilient Humans.
A Path to Health, Fitness, & Sanity

At Bare Training Systems, we’re focused on a simple question, “what are the bare essentials of optimum human health?” From exercise to nutrition, or light to language, there are certain variables that are always affecting the human condition, some more than others. We are finding that someone’s quality of movement/posture holds significant weight in determining their overall fitness and resilience to stressors. Our concern is how we can best account for all of the relevant variables related to the question and to provide a clear path for anyone to see results, no matter their starting place.
Nature As The Guide

Human biomechanics, molded by nature's forces over millions of years, reveal a distinct blueprint for navigating reality in order to ensure survival and reproduction. Functional training for humans centers around your ability to execute four fundamental motions – standing, walking, running, and throwing. By prioritizing these motions with our exercise selection, we regularly see results including pain reduction, muscle gain, more athleticism, even reshaping the skeletal structure. Most importantly, these changes are sustainable due to their abundant use in our everyday lives, ensuring you get the most out of your time and resources.

When it comes to building a structure, engineers rely upon certain scientific and mathematical principles in order to design one that is both safe and durable. As the engineer views these design constraints from a technical standpoint, so too do we view the dynamic constraints of the human structure. A human skeleton must be stacked in a specific relationship for an efficient alignment; the myofascial systems need to activate in a certain order to maintain that aligned structure through motion; the pressures received from the ground should be evenly dispersed through the entire system with every step.
These everyday forces will condition someone whether they are aware of it or not, for better or for worse. We are here to best apply those same technical principles with our training in order to condition humans that may move more safely with greater performance and longevity.
Engineering Applied to Humans

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”